samedi 1 février 2014

SOLIDARITY: Against defamatory press campaign


A media campaign has been launched recently in Peru against the international solidarity movement with the people of Cajamarca (northern Andes of Peru) in peaceful struggle since three years, in defense of water and the environment against the mining megaproject "Conga" by Yanacocha (transnational company associating Newmont, Buenaventura and the World Bank).
This proposed open pit mining will destroy five mountain lakes, 700 springs and 260 hectares of wetlands. This is a direct threat to the health, live of people and environment of this important agricultural region of Peru and will contaminate the entire water system downstream on both Pacific and Amazonian slopes, impacting thousands of people.
For three years, affected populations resisted peacefully. The response of the authorities has been repression: in July 2012, five people were killed and fifty wounded by bullets. Indignation caused by this wave of violence stood the entire population of this Andean region and prompted a movement of national and international solidarity.
The megaproject "Conga" was officially discontinued in August 2012.
Today, all democratic associations, social organizations, workers unions and foreign personalities who expressed indignation and solidarity with Cajamarca, and whose humanitarian objectives cannot be doubted, are the subject of a smear campaign launched in the Peruvian press.
Initiated by an advisor of mining companies, this campaign lashes organizations and personalities known for their commitment to the defense of democracy, human rights, environment and the right to water, recognized internationally as integral part of human rights by the resolution of the UN General Assembly of July 28, 2010, and in defense of the right to prior consultation, recognized by the ILO Convention 169.
The campaign also aims to discredit all those who, in Peru, opposed the mining project "Conga" and continue to defend the rights of the population. This campaign endangers persons accused of receiving support from abroad and opposing the development of Peru.
We have good reason to express our worry when the government recently adopted Law No. 30151 which guarantees the impunity of the police and army in cases of abuse and violence and openly violates international conventions and when large police contingents are installed in three towns of this  region of Cajamarca (Celendín, Cajamarca and Bambamarca).
The campaign also aims to discredit all those who, in Peru, oppose the mining project "Conga" and continue to defend the rights of the population. This campaign endangers persons accused of receiving support from abroad and opposing the development of Peru.
We have good reason to express our worry when the government recently adopted Law No. 30151 which guarantees the impunity of the police and army in cases of abuse and violence and openly violates international conventions and when large police contingents are installed in three towns of this region of Cajamarca (Celendín, Cajamarca and Bambamarca).
We also note with concern the statement of impunity and abandonment of the investigation to establish responsibility for the five murders committed during demonstrations in July 2012.
Therefore, we denounce this mediatic campaign and we demand to the media group El Comercio our elementary right of reply.
We asked the Peruvian government to disapprove this smear campaign against organizations and individuals recognized for their defense of democratic rights in France, Europe, Peru and around the world.
We warn all human rights organizations at national and international level, we call for greater surveillance and solemnly reaffirm our solidarity with the people of Cajamarca, members of the peasant patrols and social leaders and Peruvian politicians who are threatened directly by this campaign .
At the same time, we call all democratic organizations that defend human and environmental rights in France and Europe to renew its solidarity with the people of Cajamarca, to sign this statement of solidarity and joining the coordinator that we are currently forming.

Paris, January 31, 2014.

First signers, France:

France-Libertés - Fondation Danielle Mitterrand
France Amérique Latine (FAL)
Mouvement contre le racisme et pour l'amitié entre les peuples (MRAP)
Comité catholique contre la faim et pour le développement (CCFD-Terre Solidaire)
Comité de Solidarité avec Cajamarca
Collectif de Péruviens en France
Parti Communiste Français (PCF)
Europe Écologie Les Verts (EELV)
Nouveau Parti anticapitaliste (NPA)
Parti de Gauche (PG)
Gauche Citoyenne
Gauche anticapitaliste (GA) 
Les Alternatifs
Coordination Eau Ile - France
Amis de la Terre
Association des Populations des Montagnes du Monde
Union Syndicale SOLIDAIRES
Emancipation - Tendance intersyndicale
Comité pour l’annulation de la dette du tiers monde (CADTM)
Alternatives au Développement Extractiviste et Anthropocentré (ALDEAH)
Comité de solidarité avec les luttes du peuple argentin (CALPA)
Comité Amérique Latine de Caen
Association Terre et Liberté
CNT - Solidarité Ouvrière
Collective Ensemble
Fondation Copernic
Sortir du colonialisme


Comité Celendín Hamburgo (Germany)
Asociación de Peruanos en Suecia (Sweden)
Forum de Peruanos en el Exterior (Italy)
MPS Mouvement pour le socialisme (Swiss)
Confederación General del Trabajo CGT (Spain)
Intersindical Valenciana (Spain)
Confederación Intersindical (Spain)
Association El Andino (Belgium)
Solifonds (Zurich, Swiss)
Llumpay, Peruanos en Madrid (Espagne)
Integrando, Asociación Perú/Madrid (Espagne)
Comité de Familiares de Peruanos en el Exterior  (Italie)
Coordinadora Mundial de Peruanos en el Exterior, Familiares y Retornados, COMPEXFAR (Italie) 

European personalities:

Laurence Cohen, French senator
Pierre Laurent, French senator, National Secretary PCF
Jacqueline Fraysse, French deputy

Writers, intellectuals and Spanish and Latin American artists:

Alfredo Pita (Peruvian writer, France)
Luis Dapelo (Peruvian university, France)
Diego Trelles (Peruvian writer, France)
Elqui Burgos (Peruvian writer, France)
Alfredo Vanini (Peruvian translator, Peru
Alejandro Sánchez-Aizcorbe (Peruvian writer, USA)
Walter Lingan (Peruvian writer, Germany)
Joel Hernández Santiago (Journalist writer, Mexico)
Nora Curonisy Lostaunau (Peruvian photographer, France)
Santiago Gamboa (Colombian writer, Italy)
Ricardo Bada (
Spanish journalist, Germany)
José de Piérola (
Peruvian writer, USA)
Manuel Guerra (
Peruvian writer, Perú)
José Ovejero (Spanish writer, Spain)
Luis Sepúlveda (
Chilean writer, Spain)
Isaac Goldemberg (
Peruvian writer, USA)
Lenin Solano Ambía (Peruvian writer, France) 

Melacio Castro Mendoza (Peruvian writer, Germany))


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